Concussion Prevention and Management: What Our Brampton Clinic Offers


Concussions are more common than most people think. Anyone can get this traumatic brain injury after an impact that causes the head and brain to shake, resulting in chemical changes that can damage brain cells and alter normal neurological function. Although considered mild brain injuries, they can still result in long-term damage and become life-threatening when not promptly addressed. This is why it’s crucial to visit a concussion clinic in Brampton for proper treatment. Only a qualified physician can correctly diagnose the issue and recommend treatment and rest to help you recover.

Concussion clinics offer custom treatment to every patient to ensure a comfortable and fast recovery. Each treatment program is provided by a team of specialists, including registered physiotherapists and specialized doctors. These professionals also monitor patient progress to adjust the treatment as necessary. In addition, they can provide tips and advice to prevent concussions from reoccurring down the line. 

How to prevent concussions

One of the reasons to visit a concussion clinic in Brampton is for reliable patient education on preventing re-injury and other traumatic injuries to the head. Most people get a concussion due to direct trauma to their heads, such as getting hit, falling, or being in an accident. 

The brain is composed of soft tissue that’s cushioned by spinal fluid, so any bumps or blows to the head can jolt it and make everything shake. As a result, the brain malfunctions and causes symptoms like dizziness, headaches, fatigue, and difficulty thinking. It’s also common to experience confusion, blurry or double vision, imbalance, vomiting or nausea, memory loss, sensitivity to noise or light, trouble sleeping, slurred speech, and behavioural changes. 

Managing concussions

Managing a concussion will depend on the treatment program and the severity of the condition, but it involves closely monitoring and managing the symptoms. At a concussion clinic in Brampton, patients can be treated with physiotherapy, electrical modalities or laser therapy, acupuncture, spinal decompression, and massage therapy. 

Did you suffer from a concussion? 

Visit our concussion clinic in Brampton. Physio Village is an established physiotherapy clinic with the most innovative methods to manage concussions and other neurological issues. Call (905) 450-8800 to book your appointment!



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